Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 12, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jim Diers and Roger Waterman. Jared Diers and Steve Schilling were absent. Mayor Forkenbrock added invoice from Edgewood Reminder for $104.61 to bills for approval. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, July minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 28,356.68
LOST 5,670.73
Property Tax 1,281.88
DelCo Auditor - Election 75.00
From Community Club - Fireworks 8,025.00
Pool 1,771.67
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 85.27
RUT - County 3,234.26
DelCo Auditor – Library 2,681.92
Savings Account Interest 1,736.59
RUT - State 3,282.37
Access – Lib 130.26
Baker & Taylor – Lib 286.48
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 153.23
Demco – Lib 287.17
EFTPS – July 2,214.18
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 137.05
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 409.14
Iowa Department of Revenue – WH State 988.92
Iowa Workforce Development - SUTA 30.39
IPERS – July 1,286.86
Mary Fischer - Reimburse 49.87
Overdrive – Lib 392.64
Platte River Displays 4,815.00
Platte River Pyro 3,210.00
Windstream 329.28
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,558.77
Bi-County Disposal – July Pick Up 2,540.16
Black Hills Energy - Utilities 539.39
City of Dubuque - WRRC 160.00
DCED – Annual 1,465.00
Eastern Iowa Asphalt - Streets 875.00
Guttenberg Hospital – Tier Up 100.00
Hi-Vis - Streets 97.50
Hill Country CS – City, Pool, FD 609.53
Iowa One Call 9.10
J&R Supply - Water 1,430.00
Linn County Public Health - Pool 270.00
Midwest Patch - Streets 559.50
Quill 229.33
TestAmerica Laboritories – Sewer Annalysis 663.00
Tschiggfrie - Hydrant 12,689.22
Tschiggfrie – Water Main 3,608.82
Total July Payroll 9,874.35
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 19,594.93 | 29,804.22 |
Road Use | 6,516.63 | 2,077.12 |
Employee Benefits | 170.24 | 1,441.74 |
Local Option | 5,670.73 | ----------- |
Sewer | 6,884.85 | 3,740.62 |
Sewer Debt | 11,510.33 | ----------- |
Water | 4,608.52 | 2,455.01 |
Water Enterprise | 2,065.00 | ----------- |
Fire Department – 4 calls. Waiting to take pumper for repairs. Department requested to reinstate Leo Clute to the department to help cover day calls. Brown motioned to approve. Second by Waterman. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Ambulance – Had 3 calls. Golf fundraiser was successful.
Library – Bree Ingles was present. Board hired a new Director, Adrienne White. Request was made for the Library to have a credit card. Motion by Jim Diers to approve. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Clerk will get the necessary forms filled out.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
KIB – Still working on the north sign project.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Comments that there still are some dark spots in town. Alliant needs to be contacted again. Clerk presented the 2023 Street Finance Report that was filed.
Pool & Recreation: Pool will close on August 16 for the season. It’s been a great season.
Building Permits: Ed & Connie Bolsinger, 300 1st Street – New Roof
Jason & Breanna Ingles, 401 1st Street – Garage w/sewer & water. Brown motioned to approve the permits. Jim Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Water & Sewer: Pay Application #1 for Ethan Koehn Construction for $77,472.17 was presented. Clerk requested to transfer funds from the ARPA/Cares savings in the amount of $56,276.03 to the water fund with the balance from Water Enterprise fund. Jim Diers motioned to approve the request for transfers and to pay Application #1. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Jim Diers motioned to approve the Liquor Permit for The Hub. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Waterman wanted to discuss possibly selling 2 of his lots. Wanted to know what they could be used for, possibly commercial. Council decided that should someone want to purchase, they should bring idea/drawing to the Council for approval.
Discussed what is next for the buying station. Maybe start advertising to see if there is interest.
Donna Boss, DCED was present representing the Fire Association. Discussion on possible expansion. Association will proceed with having some drawings made and then present them to the Council.
Adjourned at 6:36 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Waterman second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried.