Mayor Tom Forkenbrock called the regular meeting of the Colesburg City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 9, 2024. On roll were Nick Brown, Jared Diers, Jim Diers, Steve Schilling and Roger Waterman. A Fire Department invoice was presented and Mayor Forkenbrock added invoice from Midwest Breathing Air for $834.95 to bills for approval. Motion made by Jim Diers. Second by Waterman to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Ayes: Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Consent agenda included approval of agenda, August minutes/claims and the Treasurer’s Report, as follows:
Utility Payments 27,267.23
LOST 5,904.07
Ambulance 64.49
Shawver – Water 49.04
Fangmann Racing – Chlorine 30.00
Building Permits 60.00
Garbage Tags 10.00
Community Center 45.00
R&D Metal Recycling 259.50
Pool 763.25
Kuehl Construction – Sewer 84.51
RUT – County missed payment 2,864.61
DelCo Auditor – Library 2,762.37
Savings Account Interest 1,477.56
RUT - State 3,029.60
Baker & Taylor – Lib 157.42
Carol Walthart – Reimburse 74.60
Comelec – Lib 20.00
EFTPS – August 2,347.11
FSB – Monthly ACH Charge 25.00
Iowa Department of Revenue – Sales TX 101.65
Iowa Department of Revenue – WET TX 380.34
Iowa League of Cities – Annual Dues 475.00
IPERS – August 1,231.19
Lange Signs - KIB 1,362.00
Lansing Brothers - KIB 280.00
USPS – stamps 146.00
Ace Hardware 37.94
Alliant Energy- Utilities 3,885.17
Banyon Data – Support 195.00
Bi-County Disposal – August Pick Up 2,540.16
Black Hills Energy - Utilities 515.33
City of Dubuque - WRRC 88.00
Delaware Co Solid Waste 901.80
Feld Fire - FD 339.00
Hawkins - Water 250.78
Hi-Vis - Signs 66.00
Hill Country CS – City, Amb, FD 262.39
IDNR – Sewer Permit 210.00
Iowa Rural Water – Cory Conference 180.00
TestAmerica Laboratories – Sewer 827.00
TestAmerica Laboratories - Water 183.00
Windstream 329.26
Total August Payroll 9,607.20
Revenues Expenditures
General Fund | 15,393.57 | 76,141.94 |
Road Use | 55,894.21 | 53,998.67 |
Employee Benefits | ----------- | 1,684.75 |
Local Option | 5,904.07 | ----------- |
Sewer | 6,562.43 | 3,837.43 |
Sewer Debt | 11,119.30 | ----------- |
Water | 60,982.71 | 77,063.43 |
Water Enterprise | 1,907.25 | 21,196.14 |
Fire Department – Andy Fensterman, Chief requested the Council approve Cooper Ingles to the Fire Department. Jared Diers motioned to approve. Schilling second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jim Diers, Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman; Nays: 0. Motion carried. Ordered 10 sets of crossover gear, Association will purchase 7 and 3 from their budget. They will be cross-training with the Dyersville fire department and their aerial truck. Pork Chop Supper will be October 12, 2024
Ambulance – Had 3 calls.
Sheriff’s Department – Monthly Report.
KIB – Still working on the north sign project.
Community Club – Cut dead trees down at the park. Trunk or Treat will be October 27th at the Ed-Co Elementary School. More info to follow. Request that time change for Trick or Treat. Hours seem too early.
Waterman motioned to make the hours for Trick or Treat 5:30 – 7:00 pm. Brown second. Roll Call: Ayes: Brown, Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers; Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Committee reports are as follows:
Streets & Sidewalks: Streets should open later this week from the Water project. Anything not completed is to be blacktop. Council decided to hold off on cracksealing and wait for spring.. Also decided to not do striping on Main Street next year.
Pool & Recreation: Doing final finishing to close pool.
Water & Sewer: Doing final work to finish up the Water Loop Project.
Adjourned at 6:21 pm. Jim Diers motioned to adjourn. Jared Diers second. Roll Call: Ayes: Jared Diers, Schilling, Waterman, Jim Diers, Brown; Nays: 0. Motion carried.