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Natural Gas Safety Training



WHAT:       Black Hills Energy is conducting natural gas safety training for firefighters and other emergency responders from Guttenberg and the surrounding area. The training allows firefighters to practice how to safely and effectively contain and extinguish natural gas fires, including simulated pipeline punctures and a controlled fire enveloping an automobile to represent a vehicle striking an above-ground natural gas fixture.



WHO:        Black Hills Energy experts will conduct the training for firefighters from Guttenberg and other northeast Iowa mutual aid departments.


WHERE:   111 N. Hill Dr. in Guttenberg, Iowa


WHEN:      Tuesday, September 10, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

WHY:         Safety is the top priority for Black Hills Energy. Natural gas is a safe, reliable energy source. Black Hills Energy provides fire safety training from trained natural gas professionals to give firefighters hands-on experience and instruction in how to safely and effectively manage a natural gas incident.




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