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North Fayette/Valley Board

The North Fayette/Valley School Board approved the resignation/retirements for Darcy Einck for High

School Biology and Britanny Milde as Operations Secretary.

The Board approved the hiring of Dana Leitzman as Special Education Teacher.

The Board approved sharing a Special Education Director with South Winneshiek.

Minutes, Regular Meeting of the North Fayette Valley Community School District Board of Education, Monday, January 13, 2025, in the NFV High School Library, 600 N Pine Street, West Union, IA  52175


NFV Board of Education: Emily Koch, LaCreasha Schultz, Amanda Rodgers, Kirstin  Nelson-Lerch, Richard Klosterman, Kris McGrane, & Kris  Marcks.  Student members: Avery Donnelly, Gabe  Stansbery, & Bella Fuentes; Business Manager: Kassie  Stansbery; Superintendent Secretary: Stephanie Michael  Principals: Chris Miller & Travis Elliott; Curriculum Director:  Betsy Nefzger; Staff: Susan Wenger, Shanda  Miller, Morgan Johnson, Kelli Baumler, Brittinae Nelson,  Mark Branch, Kory Kuhens; Media: Sharon Drahn  Patrons: Bella Smoltz

President Koch called the Regular Meeting of the NFV Board of Education to order at 5:30 pm.


Roll Call of Board members: Present: Rodgers, Nelson-Lerch, Klosterman, Schultz, Koch, & Marcks.  McGrane was absent.  Director Klosterman led the pledge of allegiance.  


President Koch welcomed and invited comments from the Public.  


The agenda was approved with the addition of Dana Leitzman as the new hire for Special Education Teacher. Schultz/Klosterman  Motion Carried 6-0


Public Forum:  

Motion to approve the consent agenda with the following items:

  • Minutes of December 9, 2024, Annual Meeting

  • Review/approve invoices (Reviewed by Amanda Rodgers)

  • Approve Financial Reports 

  • Approve Resignations/Retirements: Darcy Einck – HS Biology, Brittany Milde – Operations Secretary

  • Transfers: Sierra Bullerman from Unified Science to Biology for 2025-2026

  • Approve Contract Modifications: None

  • Approve New Hires: Dana Leitzman- Special Education Teacher 

  • Volunteer Coaches: Tracy Nuss – Large Group Speech

  • Receive and Approve Gifts: United Methodist Church – NFV HS Care Closet, West Union Trenching – ESports, Hawkeye Telephone Company – ESports

Klosterman/Nelson-Lerch  Motion Carried 6-0



Student Ex-Officio members Donnelly, Fuentes, and Stansbery provided updates to the board, including highlights about Dorian Honor Choir and the high school band’s preparation to submit their recording for consideration by the Iowa Bandmasters. They also shared updates on winter athletics, including basketball, wrestling, and bowling. The Student Council is organizing the upcoming winter informal and reported on students transitioning smoothly into the second semester.


Staff members Morgan Johnson and Susan Wenger presented information on the MTSS (Multi-tier Systems of Support).  The handout detailed the relationships between the student needs and how the district responds to the needs both academically and behaviorally.  

High School Principal Mr. Miller provided the board with an update on the start of the second semester, highlighting notable improvements in student achievement linked to recent grading adjustments. He also discussed preparations for the upcoming ISASP testing and the progress of schedule planning for the next academic year.

Although Middle School Principal Mr. Gearhart was unable to attend, he submitted a comprehensive written report covering topics such as the Art Club, WOW (Work On it Wednesday) initiatives, leadership points, updates on Valley childcare, and a summary of the basketball and wrestling seasons.

Elementary Principal Mr. Elliott reported on key areas including student attendance, updates from TCLC, and ongoing work on the preschool desk audit. He also celebrated the success of the holiday music concerts and the completion of the second quarter.

Curriculum Director Nefzger updated the board on current professional development topics to include Illustrative Math, K-12 Collaboration for content areas, building level content team collaboration, MTSS, and standards-based grading.  Nefzger also reviewed the topics for snow day professional development and the Site-Based Review Council’s discussion on the open high school instructional coaching position. 


Business Manager Stansbery provided an update on the district’s financial status at the midpoint of the fiscal year. She outlined preparations for the FY26 budget process, including identifying potential increases and anticipated needs for the upcoming school year.


Superintendent Griffith was unable to attend the meeting due to illness.  Transportation director Mark Branch provided the school board with an overview of bus leasing options and considerations related to leasing versus purchasing.  Kory Kuhens followed transportation by presenting preliminary estimates on future facility projects. 



No Old Business



The board approved the Official Depositories list to change the name of Elgin State Bank to Farmers Savings Bank effective February 3, 2025. 

Klosterman/Schultz  Motion Carried 6-0


The board approved the first reading of policy updates for policies 700-704. Schultz/Nelson-Lerch  Motion Carried 6-0


The Board approved sharing a Special Education Director with South Winneshiek. Klosterman/Schultz   Motion Carried 5-1, with Nelson-Lerch voting in dissent. 


The Board approved the purchase of floor scrubbing equipment.  Rodgers/Schultz Motion Carried 6-0



There was no further discussion.


At 6:45pm, the board entered an exempt session under Iowa Code Chapter 20.17(3) to discuss collective bargaining strategies. The session is exempt from the Open Meetings Law; therefore, no action was taken, and no minutes were recorded. Schultz left the exempt session at 7:15pm.  The board returned to open session at 7:22pm.


Motion to adjourn at 7:22pm.  Rodgers/Nelson-Lerch  Carried 5-0



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