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Tradio - Thursday, January 16, 2025

FOR SALE……………..Wednesday

1….3 Suffolk sheep come to have lambs first time……………….880-5130

2….2017 Dodge Ram Bighorn with Bighorn engine, good condition       Lane Leather recliner          Used pickup tires, Goodyear Wranglers, 20” style wheel, cheap….………..245-2644

3….Kids Red Barn with white fence, $20     Kids wagon, wood with side rack, $30 obo…………………….608-412-3221

4….Antique kids riding pedal tractor, needs some TLC, $100……………568-3628

FOR SALE………………Tuesday

5….1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th crop round bales of hay, $50-150 per bale     Set of Oldsmobile Alero rims & tires, $100, call or text………………608-1209

6….Several pickup loads of dry split firewood, Guttenberg area………..845-8577

7….Firewood Split or cut up logs……………………...880-4563


8….Mixer mill, good working condition…………….590-8992

9….100 lb. LP tanks in any condition………………..845-8577

FOR SALE…………………Monday

10….Big square bales of wheat straw. $50 per bale. Take 1 or a load. …..380-8081

11….Cattle tanks, 6ft long x 29” wide x 2ft deep, great for raised garden, $50        Utility trailer, 6’4” x 8’4”, storage box, wench, $300 obo………………451-0829

12….2 Garage doors, 1 Ea. 9ft x 8ft for a single stall and the other 16ft x 8ft a double, Monona area………………….815-440-5965

13….40 Tom turkeys and mini Rex rabbits……………………920-8143


14….Unwanted cast iron cookware in any condition…..380-1483

15….Good used VCR player………………….880-5212 leave a message



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