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Tradio - Tuesday, January 28, 2025

FOR SALE…………………..Tuesday

1….4- restaurant booths $100 ea or $300 for all,      4 large open shelving unit, used for retail display has lighting inside the unit $80,       Several retail racks and shelving priced to move……………..…..880-1965

2….Kitchen table and 4 chairs 150.00……….568-9930


4….6’x8’ Utility trailer, 2000 lb axel, $300, call or text…………451-0829

5….Cornstalk round bales, $40 each………………..880-7979


6….Gene Autry memorabilia     Indian head pennies………….380-3340

FOR SALE………………….Monday

7….HD Frontier rear blade, like new condition, $1,500     High pressure gas power washer 4500 psi, works good, $750       Stainless steel flat top stove with microwave, great shape, $250……………………….…..568-9930

8….2 female golden retrievers. 9 months old, no papers, shots, not spayed, raised in kennel. $250 each …………………..608-412-2522

9…Kids Red Barn with white fence, $20 …………………….608-412-3221



10….Wanted, working upright freezer. Garnavillo ………………...880-0938

11….3 point conversion kit for D-17 AC tractor…………………...380-3615

12….Compost for garden…………………..380-3615


13….9 week old puppies that have had their first shots………………...422-4930

14….3 Standard Poodles to give away……………..608-306-2165

FOR SALE……………….Friday

15….Two man ice tent heater, $45………………..608-5268

16….Dry hard firewood…………..516-0100

17….White metal frame twin daybed, complete with mattress & bedding, excellent condition     Wooden High Chair, spool back, good condition………………..608-326-0038

18….Front mount snowblower for riding mower, dual stage, $500     25” Simplicity single stage snowblower, $150    2 small dorm refrigerators, great for shop, garage, milk parlor, $100 for both…………………….568-9163


19….Looking for a loader stand to fit a John Deere 48 loader……………516-0100



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