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Luana Council

Luana City Council Minutes of April 4, 2024

The Luana City Council held their regular monthly meeting Thursday April 4, 2024, at 7:00 pm. with Council Members Lonnie Baade, Kevin Boddicker, Todd Olson, Jackie Radloff-Schneider, Luke Steege present. Absent: None.

Mayor Jerry Schroeder called meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Minutes of March meeting were reviewed and approved upon a motion by Steege, second by Olson, carried unanimously.

Boddicker motioned to pay all monthly claims totaling $39,895.05, Steege second, carried unanimously. Receipts for the month totaled $37,325.31. Radloff-Schneider motioned to pass Res. 4-2024 T.O.F, Olson second, carried unanimously. Council reviewed reconciled reports.

Resident, Wolter, approached council requesting gravel be brought in, to place in the Luana Shopper parking lot. Wolter stated there is a stump along railroad tracks that he would like to remove. Wolter also requested to redo shoulder along road by his residence. Mayor stated he would look at shoulder before any decisions were made.

Steege motioned to set public hearing date FY2025 budget for April 22, 2024, at 6:00 pm. Boddicker second, carried unanimously.

Council reviewed update on Lagoon Project. MSA will be conducting a boundary research and topo survey the week of April 1, 2024. Administrator informed council that only 18% of distance waivers have been returned to the city. Deadline was set for April 15th. City needs 100% compliance. Administrator requested to place a reminder on Facebook.

Steege motioned to approve building permit for lots 2, 3 4 and 6 within Countryside Estates, Olson second building permits, carried unanimously.

Baade motioned to pass Res. 4.1-2024 Emergency Response and Operation Plan for Drinking Water System, Radloff-Schneider second, carried unanimously.. Whereupon, the Mayor declared the measure duly adopted.

Council reviewed FY2024 Budget. Radloff-Schneider motioned to set public hearing date FY2024 Budget Amendment for May 2, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Olson second, carried unanimously.

Spring clean up will be May 4, 2024.

Next regular council meeting will be held May 2, 2024, at 7:00 pm.

Mayor Schroeder adjourned the meeting at 7:45 pm.

                                                    Tammy Humble, City Administrator

Monthly Expenditures $39,895.05: Alliant Energy $1,943.49; Black Hills Energy $328.43; Column Software $210.47 (Publication); Federal Taxes $1,109.36; Garms Financial $22,448.00 (Property insurance); IMFOA $50.00 (Membership dues); IPERS $1,076.79; John Deere Financial $347.40 (Water testing/Fire dept. supplies); Luana Fire Association $2,250.00 (Grant reimbursement); Microbac $17.50 (Water testing); NAPA $235.99

(Plow repair); Nathan Moonen $362.50 (Attorney fees); NEIT $121.30; Post Office $122.22 (Certified letters); Sandry Fire $802.50 (Fire dept. supplies); State Withholding $636.51; Wages $5,637.69; Waste Management $2,194.90. Fire Department Expenditures $3,420.22; General Fund Expenditures $36,202.14; Propriety Expenditures $36.70; Road Use Tax Expenditures $235.99; TIF Expenditures $0.

Monthly Revenue $37,325.31: Farm to Market $4,917.12; Interest $953.68; IA Assoc. of Municipal Utilities $964.00;

Local Option $2,449.50; Property Tax $3,249.50; RUT $1,124.87; State of IA Fire dept. Grant $4,500.00; Utilities $19,166.64.


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