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Postville School Board

The Postville School Board approved the High School Band Trip to Saint Louis in 2025.

Postville Community School District Regular Meeting of the School Board 08/12/2024 - 05:30 PM 


Postville CSD Fine Arts Center



Voting Members 

Teresa Berg, Board Member 

Travis Koenig, School Board President 

Greg Lage, School Board Vice-President 

Eric Meyer, Board Member 

Maria Vazquez, Board Member 

1. Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by President Koenig. 

2. Welcome Visitors 

President Koenig welcomed all visitors. 

3. Approval of Agenda 

Motion made by: Greg Lage 

Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer 


Unanimously Approved 

4. Items to be Removed From the Consent Agenda 

Item b, Monthly Bills and Monthly Financial Reports, was removed from the consent agenda. 

5. Consent Agenda 

Approved without item b, monthly bills and monthly financial reports. After the initial consent, a second motion was made by Meyer, and seconded by Vazquez, to approve the invoice and financial reports with the change for the item listed as payment to Bacon Concrete to be removed and updated to reflect the vendor as BMO Harris Mastercard. Unanimously approved. 

Motion made by: Eric Meyer 

Motion seconded by: Teresa Berg 


Unanimously Approved 

a. Approval of Minutes 

Approve the minutes of the July 1, 2024, regular board meeting. 


b. Monthly Bills and Monthly Financial Reports 

The minutes and monthly financial reports were discussed and approved separately. c. Hires 

d. Resignations 

e. Transfers 

f. Acceptance of Donations/Gifts to the District 

g. Open Enrollment Applications 

Approve the open enrollment requests for three open-enrollment in applications and one open- enrolled out application. h. Early Graduation Requests 

i. Volunteers 

j. Fundraiser Approval 

6. Reports 

a. Superintendent 

Superintendent Knudtson shared that teachers will be returning to the district on 8/16/24 to begin the 2024-2025 school year. An update was given on the ongoing fencing projects. Updated absentee policies and guidance were discussed. 

i. General Updates 

b. Principals 

Principal Schutte has been interviewing potential Para professionals and preparing for the new school year. Mr. Corsbie shared that fall sports practices started 8/12/24. 

7. Discussion Items 

a. Project Discussion 

Information was provided for potential building updates and changes. Financial options will be reviewed and be presented at the September meeting. 

8. Action Items 

a. Policy Items-2nd Reading 

Approve the 2nd reading of updates for board policy numbers 200.04, 206.03, 401.06, 402.03, 502.06, 505.02, 603.01, 603.12, 607.02, 710.01, 801.03, and 803.02. 

Motion made by: Teresa Berg 


Motion seconded by: Greg Lage 


Unanimously Approved 

b. Policy Items-1st Reading 

Approve the 1st reading of the board policy numbers 501.03, 501.09, 501.09 R(1), 501.14, 501.15, and 905.03. 

Motion made by: Teresa Berg 

Motion seconded by: Greg Lage 


Unanimously Approved 

c. Postville HS Band St. Louis Trip 2025 

Approve the HS band trip to St. Louis. 

Motion made by: Maria Vazquez 

Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer 


Unanimously Approved 

d. Disposal of Chevy Uplander 2008 

Approve the disposal of a 2008 Chevy Uplander as scrap metal. 

Motion made by: Greg Lage 

Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer 


Unanimously Approved 

e. Elementary Playground/Parking Concrete Repair 

Action item tabled to obtain additional information. 

f. FY24-25 Food Service Agreement 

Approve the 2024-2025 Food Service Agreement with CACFP. 

Motion made by: Eric Meyer 

Motion seconded by: Greg Lage 


Unanimously Approved 

g. Authority for Superintendent to Hire Para Educators 

Allow the superintendent to hire paras as needed prior to the next board meeting. 

Motion made by: Greg Lage 

Motion seconded by: Maria Vazquez 


Unanimously Approved 

h. NICC Contracts 

Motion to approve NICC contracts for college classes and the Health Caree

Motion made by: Teresa Berg 

Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer 


Unanimously Approved 

9. NICC Contrats 

10. Adjournment 

Approve adjournment of the meeting at 6:36 pm. 

Motion made by: Greg Lage 

Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer 


Unanimously Approved 



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