The Postville School Board approved the hiring of Mary Beth Snitker for part-time Food Service. Tylen Burrows was hired as High School Boys Track Coach.
The Board accepted the resignation of Shau Yun Su as part-time Food Service.
The Postville Board received information on a possible Bus Barn Addition. The issue is being researched and will possibly be an addition to the upcoming planned construction projects for the school.
Voting Members
Teresa Berg, Board Member
Travis Koenig, School Board President
Greg Lage, School Board Vice-President
Eric Meyer, Board Member
Maria Vazquez, Board Member
1. Call to Order
President Koenig called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
2. Welcome Visitors
President Koenig welcomed all visitors.
3. Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda with one additional hire.
Motion made by: Greg Lage
Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer
Unanimously Approved
4. Items to be Removed From the Consent Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the consent agenda with an additional hire.
Motion made by: Eric Meyer
Motion seconded by: Maria Vazquez
Unanimously Approved
a. Approval of Minutes
Approve the minutes of the December 9, 2024, annual meeting and the December 9, 2024, regular meeting.
b. Monthly Bills and Monthly Financial Reports
Approve the monthly financial reports and invoices (reviewed by Greg Lage).
c. Hires
Approve the hire of Mary Beth Snitker/PT Food Service; Tylen Burrows/HS Boys Track Coach.
d. Resignations
Approve the resignation of Shao Yun Su/PT Food Service.
e. Transfers
f. Acceptance of Donations/Gifts to the District
Approve the donation of $500 from Clayton County Recycling; $1000 from Goodfellas Riding Club; Gloves and Hats (approx. $70 value) from Postville Presbyterian Church; and $10,740.08/Postville Booster Club.
g. Open Enrollment Applications
Approve one open-enrolled out student to the MFL MarMac District.
h. Fundraiser Approval
Approve fundraising requests from Basketball Cheer (Mini-Camp); Basketball Cheer (Annual Showcase); Thespians (Bake Sale); NHS (Ice Cream Sales).
6. Reports
a. Superintendent
i. General Updates
Mr. Knudtson shared information on the construction manager process. He provided the status on the construction projects.
b. Principals
Mr. Knudtson discussed the high school work-based learning opportunity requirements.
Mr. Corsbie shared the HS Athletic Association contacted him about an appeal process for Postville to play 8-man football. The options are being investigated.
Mrs. Schutte celebrated the 'Tours Around the World' event that took place on December 20th. Each grade participated in family and friend-led activities and traditions. Winter FAST testing is taking place.
7. Discussion Items
a. Bus Barn Addition
A bus barn addition is being researched, possibly as an addition to the upcoming planned construction projects. Mr. Knudtson shared information that has been provided and plans to move forward.
8. Action Items
a. Policy Item
Motion to approve the first reading of board policy numbers 102, 401.01, 401.06, 501.09, 501.09 R(1), 710.01 R(1), 710.01 E(1); 710.01 E(2).
Motion made by: Maria Vazquez
Motion seconded by: Greg Lage
Unanimously Approved
b. PCSD At-Risk/Drop Out Prevention Plan
Approve the Postville CSD At-Risk/Drop Out Prevention Plan.
Motion made by: Teresa Berg
Motion seconded by: Travis Koenig
Unanimously Approved
c. 25/26 Drop Out Prevention/At Risk Application
The board resolves to request from the School Budget Review Committee for Modified Supplemental Amount and Supplemental Aid for the 2025-2026 Dropout Prevention Program, in the amount of $288,975, for expenditures necessary to implement the 2025-2026 at-risk and dropout prevention program plans as approved by the Postville CSD school board.
Motion made by: Teresa Berg
Motion seconded by: Greg Lage
Unanimously Approved
d. Allamakee Hazard Mitigation Plan - Corey Snitker
Corey Snitker reviewed the current Allamakee County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan.
e. Emergency Plans
Approve the Postville CSD Emergency Plan.
Motion made by: Greg Lage
Motion seconded by: Teresa Berg
Unanimously Approved
f. Approve Ahlers-Cooney to serve as Bond Counsel and Disclosure Council for Bonds Approve Ahlers Cooney to serve as Bond Counsel and Disclosure Council for bonds.
Motion made by: Teresa Berg
Motion seconded by: Maria Vazquez
Unanimously Approved
g. Resolution Approving the Executed Contract, Bonds, and Proof of Insurance The board resolves to approve the executed contract, bonds, and proof of insurance for the High School Industrial Technology Renovations Project.
Motion made by: Maria Vazquez
Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer
Unanimously Approved
9. Items for the Next Board Meeting
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2025, in the FACC lobby, at 5:30 pm.
10. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:25 pm.
Motion made by: Greg Lage
Motion seconded by: Eric Meyer
Unanimously Approved